Revelation and Application

God-given revelations are given not so that we may have intellectual discussions or debates, but so that we may bow in reverence before God and obey him wholeheartedly. A lesson from John Piper.

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4 thoughts on “Revelation and Application

  1. I like how you write, and it sounds like you really love God. I just want to tell you that John Piper is a Calvinist, and Calvinism is full of false doctrines. We must check out the Bible to see if what others try to teach us is scriptural. I tell you this out of true sincerity. We must not let anyone lead us astray.


    1. Hey, AMG, thanks a lot for that comment. It really blessed me 🙂

      About John Piper and his being Calvinist, that I know. And I know that Calvinism has flaws. But John Piper’s take on the sovereignty of God seems sound to me. He backs his claims with Scripture, around which his argument on the sovereignty of God revolves.

      I’m not an expert on this, and I may be wrong. I’m learning though 🙂 The Bible encourages us to test everything and to hold on to what is good. I hope I’m doing exactly that.

      Thanks again! 🙂


      1. Thank you so much for your kindness. There is more to say about John Piper and his Calvinists beliefs… John Piper’s beliefs are not scriptural. There is nothing in the Bible that says we cannot believe in God on our own. That is man’s thoughts and assumptions. Calvinism even goes against the word of God. The Bible says Jesus died for all; all have a chance for Jesus to save them. Calvinists say that Jesus did not die for all that Jesus died only for the chosen. Therefore, you have a choice before you today, to believe what is scriptural, and continue to grow in God’s Word, or to believe in what demons have begun with thoughts in man’s head. I hope you choose God’s word. Search the Bible to see if anywhere in the Bible if it says we cannot believe on our own, you will not find that. Search the Bible to see if Jesus died for all. Do not let anyone convince you with twisted doctrine. God bless.


        1. 🙂 I will search the Bible 🙂 Don’tcha worry, I don’t consider John Piper as the ultimate teacher or his teachings the ultimate doctrine. Above all, I believe God will reveal to me what he will and make me understand what he will. I am counting on that, and not Jonn Piper or Calvinism. When I think about it, the gospel is not Calvin’s or anyone else’s. It’s the Lord’s.

          Thanks! 🙂


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